The Breast is Best


Feeding your baby is meant to be biologically easy. Breast milk is clearly and literally designed to feed human babies. I could list facts to fill an entire book to back up these statements but I think most people already know breast milk is what babies have evolved to develop on.

Now with that said, let’s talk reality. In reality no one tells you that nursing is not a completely blissful experience. In fact it hurts at first and not just a little but a lot. It is an experience like no other and the most important thing you need to do is breathe and relax.  In fact stress is your biggest challenge when it comes to nursing. 

There are so many expectations, it is such a big deal and people have talked it up and up and up. It becomes quite an anticipated moment and it can be an extremely stressful experience.

 Just relax, you can do this! Just as the milk that comes is biologically designed to feed the baby you are beautifully biologically designed to feed your baby.  Take a breath, relax, and just enjoy the satisfaction of truly nourishing your baby.  

If you need support or have questions contact me today!