Whether you receive services through a program or coaching sessions you will receive:
- Intake Appointment: This is a chance for us to get to know each other, see if we are a good fit, and decide exactly what services you are looking for. This is completely free!
- The consultation gives you the opportunity to chose the program that best fits you. Once you’ve picked a program we will discuss your goals.
- 1st Consultation Appointment: You will receive a detailed plan that outlines the steps to take to meet your goals. This will be tailored to you and based off our intake appointment.
For most services, you will receive at least one
- Follow-up Appointment: This is when we check in, measure progress, and adjust the plan when faced with challenges so you can find success.
- A final appointment. This is when we will take a look at your goals and measure your progress.

Supporting Development
Pre-conception Planning and Nutrition ~ ~ ~ Doula Services ~ ~ ~ Lactation Support ~ ~ ~ From Bottle to Table ~ ~ ~ Nutrition to Grow With ~ ~ ~ Parent Coaching
A child is both a blessing and a challenge. Being a parent is a journey that you will only understand once you begin. It can be stressful and overwhelming, especially when your greatest goal is to provide them with the best you can possibly give.
Along the journey everyone has something to say and a plethora of advice, most of which you didn’t really want. Often the support you want is an ear to listen to, and someone to give you objective and educated information so you can make the best choice for your family. Through the many services I offer, you can find the support that is just right for you.
A Child is the greatest gift of all.
And an exciting challenge!
Weight Management
Gaining Weight ~ ~ ~ Losing Weight ~ ~ ~ Calculating Metabolic Needs ~ ~ ~ Exercise Prescription
Everyone is looking for that magic pill to give them their ideal body. Well it doesn’t exist, however there is a plan that is right for you. The goal of a successful weight management plan is to be specific to your goals, strengths, and weakness. We can make a realistic strategy to achieve your goals, and help you build healthy habits that support your long-term success.
Often it is our relationship with food that continues the repetitive cycle of weight gain and loss. Using the holistic approach meal plans are only part of the solution. We will identify and understand your many emotions connected to eating and work through them creating a healthier you.
There is no such thing as a one size fits all anything.
Your diet should be no different!
Feeling Young at Any Age
Life Begins at 40 ~ ~ ~ 60 is the New 40 ~ ~ ~ Full Service Nutrition Support ~ ~ ~ Understanding Your Medications
Aging does not mean we must stop living, just that we have more time to live. By maintaining good health, you can not only live longer but thrive while doing so.
Good nutrition and staying active are only part of healthy living. Together we will make a plan that ensures you will continue to feel great and do the things you want to do!
Helping you access your inner wisdom.
Empower you to follow your passions!
Wellness Coaching
Living Healthy Plan ~ ~ ~ Nutritional Consultant ~ ~ ~ Menu Members ~ ~ ~ Recipe Adjustments ~ ~ ~ Chronic Disease Support ~ ~ ~ Diet & Activity Analysis ~ ~ ~ Making Menu Essentials ~ ~ ~ Grocery Store Tour

Optimum wellness is different for each person and so is the path that it takes to get there. One of my key focuses is on getting to know you so together we can make a plan that is just right for you.
Access your full potential.
Make transforming changes!