Keep Moving ~ Stop the Soreness


No I’m not talking about exercise, that’s important too but not the topic here. I’m talking about literally keep moving. As we get older we find ourselves in the same position for long periods of time. Sitting while we drive, work, eat, play, and watch TV. The biggest muscle tension causing thing is lack of movement, and repetitive movements. Carpal tunnel, lower back pain, and tension headaches are often caused by these.

 There is an easy solution. 

Do not sit in the same position for more than 20 minutes.  At least get up and walk around, stretch, and protect your range of motion.

Some great times to include stretching are while you get ready in the morning. Stretch your neck in the shower. Stretch your lower back and legs while you brush your teeth.  Stretch your arms while you wait in traffic.

 At night when you’re done for the day stretch out and relax before bed. It doesn’t take much but it will have a huge impact on your physical well-being.

 Keep moving! Right now stretch out your ankles by making a circle with your toes. Make that your blog reading stretch!

Keep moving!

Contact me today to for an exercise prescription to take your movement to the next level!

A Unique Little Person


When we bring a child into the world we have so many ideas, plans, and expectations. Some of which are well-planned researched ideas, others not so much. How many of those expectations are expectations you have for yourself and who you want to be?

 Many parents unintentionally find their children to be an extension of themselves, a mini me. They do everything they can to create the person who is exactly who they wish themselves to be. 

The reality is that your child is a beautiful unique person born with their own temperament and quickly creating their own ideas about what they like and who they are. We as parents have the responsibility to allow them to be who they are and accept them as that. This allows them to truly reach their full potential.

 This does not mean you let them do whatever they want. It is your responsibility to establish boundaries and teach them to respect themselves, others, and their environment. All while letting them be who they want to be. Talking with them, not at them. Listening to their ideas and opinions and encouraging them to make the best choices for them!

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The first time I heard it I didn’t take it all in. It just seemed to pass through my brain with little effect. 

“The only thing you can control is your reaction to a situation.” 

Seems simple and yet these words have had a huge impact on me my life and the person I am. Really think about it, the only thing you can control is your reaction. Not someone else, not the world, not anything.

 It was a great relief and also eye-opening,  really internalizing these words and putting them into action. I stopped stressing about other people’s reactions, I cannot control that. It is not my reaction. I stop and think about how I want to feel because just like I can only control my reactions others cannot control my reaction. Every time I heard my brain say “they made me feel”, I stopped and I said it again: “the only thing I can control is my reaction”. 

Why was I letting others have so much control over me. Why was I trying so hard to control the situation and the people involved. Trying to say the right thing to get them to respond how I wanted. That’s manipulation if you didn’t know. Manipulation and control go hand in hand. It all got to be too much. Too much stress, too much drama, and too often my feelings were hurt and I had all the people to blame. It wasn’t fixing anything I didn’t feel better. I was losing friends and all that control was squeezing the life out of my life. 

Then I took these words deep into my brain, into my heart, and really applied them to my whole life. When I got upset I asked myself, “is this the reaction I want, is this how I want to feel, why was I letting people control my reactions”. Now I stop and ask every time, when I am frustrated I remind myself “the only thing I can control is my reaction, how do I want to react?” He or she made me feel, is a thing of the past. Well not completely, I’m not a monk but when my feelings do get hurt and I start placing blame and pointing fingers I remind myself that I am letting them have control of me by reacting this way I need to think about my reaction and the consequences of them.  How do I want to feel and what am I going to do about it.

Just think about it!

I leave you with the words of a wise Man

I am here to empower you to live the life you want! Schedule your free consultation now!

Who do you want to be?


What kind of person do you want to be?

What are you doing to be that person?

Life moves fast and it is easy to get caught up in just getting by. Surviving the day to day begins to consume us and we forget who it is we want to be. 

Take some time each day to ponder who it is you want to be. Yes this includes your job, home, your physical world, but I’m talking deeper than that. Are you the person others can count on? Do you want to be that person? Think about your integrity and honor. Do you have them?

 They seem almost antique notions in this world of instant gratification swiping for coupling, bankruptcy, and the anonymous nature of our online world. It all seems to make it okay to get away with just about everything and when you do get caught complete denial.

 But is this really who you want to be? 

The old saying if your friends jumped off the bridge would you, comes to mind.  Really think about it, when did it become okay to be a mean girl? Why is it so normal to have bullies? Not just as kids in the school, but as grown-ups in the community and workplace. Why is it that most assume someone else will call the police and how are people again and again assaulted in public with onlookers recording with their phones but no one stepping in to help?

 So who is it that you want to be? Someone with Integrity whose word means something? Someone people trust and can depend on? A person who is compassionate and nurturing, a good friend, a good sibling, a good parent, a good son or daughter. 

To be this person takes little steps in the moment.  When you make a choice, think about how it affects the person you are and what kind of example does it show. Do your actions meet your words? Do they match the person you want to be? Make choices that supports the person you want to be!

I leave you with the words of Dr. Seuss

Teaching Healthy boundaries


Some life lessons seem to get all the attention.  While others are overlooked and sometimes even intentionally ignored. Often excuses like we’ll teach them later, they’re too young, won’t they get that in school, and so many more.

Today let’s talk about one of the most important boundaries all children need to learn respect, their bodies boundaries.

Here are the important things to remember when teaching your kids about their vaginas, penises, and saying no.

Yes I said it, the big private words. Most grown-ups still blush a little at these words. Let’s all say them together: Vagina. Penis. Breasts.

It used to be stranger danger, which was a major backfire because it is not likely that children will be assaulted by a stranger. This scare tactic avoided the whole issue and encouraged several generations of sexual abuse. The best way to protect your children is to teach them.  

First and foremost using words like Winky, hehe, lady Parts, little worm, PP, doodle, TT, meanie, and so much more I mean you can find many forums across the internet discussing names and often come across the statement it sounds so much nicer than vagina. Your elbow is an elbow your knee is a knee, your arm is in arm and your vagina or penis well that’s what they are. By using nicknames, many of which are counterintuitive to a healthy sexual outlook Twinkie worm really what is that teaching your child about their genitals.

The other important thing using appropriate names teachers is proper communication about their genitals. I often remind my children that your penis is no one’s business.  It is as simple it is that, No Stranger Danger no uncomfortable talks explaining or over explaining the evil nature of some people. Just a simple your vagina is no one’s business. It also makes it easier to talk about proper hygiene. Just like you make sure they wash behind their ears and brush their teeth you can talk about washing their butt and genitals. They do not have to take on some hidden special meaning snickered at and avoided but another important body part that is to be kept clean and is no one else’s business.

Well with that said the second important lesson to learn is No means no and if they say no to a hug, a kiss or affection it really means no. This lesson goes both ways.  When someone tells them no they respect that and when say no it is respected. That boundary needs to be established. We as grown-ups often get caught up in the cute faces and squirming of cousins forced to hug goodbye but really what is that teaching? It’s okay to hug someone who said no and when I say no it’s okay if they don’t listen. It seems cute in that moment but we are also teaching disrespect.  

And that’s it! Use appropriate language and teach them to respect personal boundaries.  So say it with me vagina, penis, breast are no one’s business and no means no.

Have other tough parenting topics you need to talk about? Set up a free consultation today!

Let’s Talk About Sex


Your sexual health is such an important topic, especially in this day and age when technology allows you to swipe through hundreds of potential partners ready and willing. Sexually transmitted diseases have become so common they are no longer diseases, they are infections.  Changing the word did not make it easier to talk about because still no one is talking about it.

People are also not taking advantage of the simple and free STD, I mean STIs test, and the amazing advances in antibiotics and antiviral medications.

But let’s take a step back, a simple question can tell you so much about your potential partner and also provide an added protection.

“When’s the last time you were tested?”

We’re all adults here, right? Responsible enough to be consenting partners in a sexual relationship. These seven words should flow off your tongue and be returned with a quick response within the last 3 months. Because that’s what it should be. Within the last 3 months.

When was the last time you were tested? Does the question make you squirm? Do you suddenly hear a little voice that nags about how you haven’t had that test?

Okay start right now! find your local clinic, Health and Human Services, or other doctor and go get the test. They don’t take long and they are free.  

Protect yourself and know!

Next Step condoms.  No really all the time, with everyone no matter what!

Now ask, say it now to practice “When is the last time you were tested?”

Last but not least after you ask in the moment use your senses.  Turn on the lights and look. You don’t have to be obvious or rude but you need to know.

Follow your intuition! Remember it’s never too late to say no and that goes both ways.  Men you can walk away too.

Just as a final safety measure when you’re done with your intimate time go to the bathroom. Pee, clean off, and protect yourself.

Talk about sex with your partner with your doctor and protect yourself. A one-time fun is not worth your health your fertility your life!

Be safe and be yourself!

Consistent, Consistency, Consistency


Most parents are looking for that one thing that will make parenting easier, less stressful, and that joyous experience we all thought it could be. The best advice you could follow is consistent consistency.

Each family will have different rules and boundaries. You need to create the rules and guidelines that fit your home and parenting style. A few important things to keep in mind when creating rules:

  • all the children have the same rules. There are rules that you age out of and into but as you age all of the children get the same rules.
  • The rules teach respect
  • The rules are the rules all the time.

Even if you have to put the rules on the wall for everyone to remember the most important thing is that you keep the rules all the time. When you say no it really means it and don’t back down. Children are like sharks and can smell fear in the water. If they think you will give in they will try. If you say no, they scream, and you changed your answer to a yes they will remember. They will test you and they know they can win. They will play dirty, embarrass you in the store, and scream in your face until they get what they want if they think you will give in. They will cry, guilt and even hold their breath if they have to in order to get the response they want.  Kids are amazingly smart and at a very young age will find just that perfect retaliation to get everything they want. If you gave in last time and the time before that they will try harder if need be.

Take a breath and remind yourself every time you give in they will go one step farther next time to ensure they win. If you are consistent all the time they will know no means no, bedtime is bedtime, and no toys in the grocery store.

Be consistent be consistent be consistent!

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Talk to Your Baby


Your baby’s brain is developing faster than it ever will throughout life. It is now that they are building the neuro pathways that will help them learn for the rest of their life. The best way to give them a great start is talking to them. And I mean really talking with them not just at them.

Talk about what you’re doing. What you are feeding them, what they’re wearing, and everything. Talk about your feelings and their feelings. Talk about the sky, the grass, and everything in between. Use big words, real words and if you know them even different languages. Baby words are not your friends but synonyms are. Say too and also. Describe everything and all the details. Read to them sing to them and show them the magic of language.

1 Minute


One minute does not seem like very long. You’ll probably spend more than that on reading this blog. But too often we let them slip by.

There are many things that you can do in a minute. When you have a few minutes, you can get a lot done. Think about your day and all the things you do.  Think about how much time you spend doing all the things you do work, sleep, phone, Facebook, internet, cleaning, cooking, and waiting.  Think about what you are doing when you were waiting, transitioning, and throughout your day. What times do you make the most of, what times are you doing nothing? How much time do you spend looking at a screen? How much time are you wasting, how could you be using time more effectively?

Start making the most of each minute. Instead of just waiting for the microwave, unload the dishwasher too. Instead of just brushing your teeth do a little stretching. Find different ways to improve the usage of your time one minute at a time, it will add up!

Potty Training 101


It’s scary

It’s messy

It’s a big step in life for both parents and children.

Potty training is just as much about training parents as the kids. And just like everything else it’s all about consistency. Let me give you a few tricks I’ve acquired after working in a toddler preschool room for over 10 years potty training hundreds of two-year-olds plus three of my own at home.

1)Make a commitment.  Either you are potty training or you are not. You cannot potty train on Tuesdays but not on Saturdays and Sundays.

2) Pull-ups are a tool old to be used only when needed. Bedtime, napping, car seats, and extra busy days out of the house are good days to use them, but to use them everyday is not helpful to the overall process.  Really they feel no different then a diaper to the kiddos.

3) Potty training goes fastest when they can really see the cause and effect. This means that either as close to naked as comfortable or jeans. You want them to notice that they are going and it to be different from when they went in the diaper.

4) Talk about it and adopt an open door policy. Tell them when you’re going.  Talk to them about the potty dance. Remind them to go and keep the bathroom a comfortable place for them to be.

6) Don’t get discouraged when it doesn’t go perfect. Just a few more small things

  • set a timer and have them try every time it goes off
  • keep things light. If it becomes stressful, a chore, a fight, or a negative situation they will not want to do it and you will regress in potty training.
  • Try tricks like singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, counting to 10, or listing the colors of the rainbow while they are sitting on the toilet so they relax.
  • Make sure they are comfortable sitting on the toilet seat. Flat feet and knees at a 90 degree angle.

5) Make it a habit to go during transitions.  Before and after you eat, before leaving, after cleaning up Etc.

As a final note there are some things to avoid

  1. Don’t give it weird names, pee poop and if you must number one and number two are perfect. There is no need to make a game out of the situation or confuse them.
  2. Don’t use candy or toys as a reward when they go. Your rewards for going potty in the toilet are no more diapers and being a big kid. Sing a song, cheer, clap, and shout hooray but avoid giving a physical reward.
  3. Do not punish for accidents. Fear is not your friend when it comes to potty training and you do not want to turn potty training into a battle for control.

Above everything else be consistent!

Good luck and just think of life with no diapers 🙂 you can do this!
